
“There is always a large horizon...there is much to be is up to you to contribute some small part to a program of human betterment for all time."

— Francis Perkins

Essays Tory McCagg Essays Tory McCagg

Goodbye, Tesla

Our 2018 Model 3 Tesla, that was to be the last car we bought, is off to the auction block. Quite bittersweet. It was a great car. Until it took on an unbearable Musk.

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Essays Tory McCagg Essays Tory McCagg

Chicken Spa Day in February

The situation had become untenable. I’d delayed because it had been crazy cold and windy. But three of the chickens—one pullet and two French Morans—had situations and expected me to tidy their bottoms. And so it finally happened. Spa day in February.

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Essays Tory McCagg Essays Tory McCagg

Recognizing the Critic Within

Yesterday, when I had decided to give up the play—let it go, it’s hopeless—I took a breath and opened up to what might come instead. It seemed appropriate because it was early morning and still dark out, and I was supposed to be meditating.

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Essays Tory McCagg Essays Tory McCagg

The Winter Solstice & Heart-Mind Connection

Apparently, the heart has a large electric-magnetic field that radiates out beyond our physical bodies by several feet, and sends a lot more information to the brain than the brain does to the heart. What’s that mean? Why does it matter?

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Essays Tory McCagg Essays Tory McCagg


I began this post prior to the elections. When it seemed as if something wonderful is about to happen might come true. And it did. Just not for me.

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Essays Tory McCagg Essays Tory McCagg

New Chickens

In late October 2024, our 13 hens were in full molt, a.k.a. naked of feathers, and no more eggs on the horizon until the skies begin to brighten in the spring. Which I had in mind when I considered the following…

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Essays Tory McCagg Essays Tory McCagg

The Blue Book

About a year ago, we started discussing, Carl and I, the long-term reality of Darwin’s View, ten, fifteen years from now. That time will be here before we know it, assuming we live so long. And the question is, will we continue to live at Darwin’s View?

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Essays Tory McCagg Essays Tory McCagg

The Writer’s Journey

I read a book about Joseph Campbell mythic structures and Carl Jung archetypes. Totally up my alley. For better or worse, ideas and possibilities are careening and exploding in my brain.

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Essays Tory McCagg Essays Tory McCagg

Avian Updates

Sixty-one. That’s how many chickens we’ve tended to and only 13 heartbeats currently beating. Since I last wrote, we have lost three more hens. Meantime, in mid-August, a crow with a broken wing was hopping about along the driveway.

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Essays Tory McCagg Essays Tory McCagg

A Day of Kayaking and It’s Always An Adventure with Carl

Carl’s phone—its applications run the entire house—is out of order. We went kayaking the other day. A perfect day with just enough breeze to keep off the deer flies. As we were returning, I paddled ahead, leaving Carl and Beth behind. I heard Beth say, “Be careful Carl. The kayak is tipping.”

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Essays Tory McCagg Essays Tory McCagg

Chickens are like Children, They Too Are Petri Dishes

Of course, chickens. Another hen got an eye thing going on. Here is Barnie, our Barnvelder. A sweet girl although she is really good at dodging humans who are flinging themselves about the chicken yard, trying to catch a hen with an eye infection. Between Barnie and the Broody French Morans, I get a lot of Hairy Eyeballs (some of which are swollen) when I come out to the hen yard.

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Essays Tory McCagg Essays Tory McCagg

Flesh-Eating Bacteria in the Pool?

Thanks to Carl, the pool is magnificent. Clear. Tadpoles happily swimming. One worry about the pool: I heard tell of someone who got a flesh-eating bacteria that landed her in the hospital. How did she get it? Rumor has it by swimming in a lake with an open wound.

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Tory McCagg Tory McCagg

Nature at Work — There’s Bugs and There’s Weeds

Our asparagus has bugs, even though Carl and Doug fire-blasted them a few weeks ago. I weeded the patch in early June and plunked in a few strawberries, some spinach seeds. We will see if they will win out over the weeds! Meantime, an herbalist friend of ours came by to see what we’ve got growing.

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Photos Tory McCagg Photos Tory McCagg

Baby Kestrels

Their house got moved and we feared that our Kestrels had moved elsewhere. But when the Harris Center folks arrived, low and behold! Five babies.

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Essays Tory McCagg Essays Tory McCagg


Snowball had an eye infection and there are a lot of chickens in need of a bath out there. The turkeys I see with my very own eyes, flirting and dancing and buffing up their wings. But for all those others tweeting and fluttering? Here is a list of birds that I hear in the mornings when I go out to jump into the pool.

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Photos Tory McCagg Photos Tory McCagg


Carl and our friend Doug rebuilt the fence around the kitchen garden. With the help of our two garden assistants, we planted out myriad seedlings in the vegetable garden this week. Happy are the seedlings who escaped the cats gnawing and chewing!

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Photos Tory McCagg Photos Tory McCagg

Farm Visits

We visited a buffalo farm in Stoddard, NH a couple of weeks ago. We also visited friends in Rhode Island, and visited the farm they live near.

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