The Winter Solstice & Heart-Mind Connection
To begin, a couple of facts.
One, the Winter Solstice is the natural ending of the earth’s annual cycling and the beginning of Winter.
Two, it has been scientifically proven that the Heart/Mind Connection is real.
Of course, fact one and fact two are both subject to interpretation. The Gregorian calendar arguably has usurped the Winter Solstice in our American celebrations and now January 1 is anointed for new beginnings. How like Daylight Savings Time!
And what exactly does that mean, the Heart/Mind Connection? This is how I am thinking of it, at this particular moment and time:
Apparently, the heart has a large electric-magnetic field that radiates out beyond our physical bodies by several feet, and sends a lot more information to the brain than the brain does to the heart. (80% from the heart to the brain; 20% from the brain to the heart.)
What’s that mean? Why does it matter?
It means that how we talk to our selfs, how we act and react, how we are in the world matters. And it matters because it radiates. We can connect with our hearts, spread the feelings that, alone, might overwhelm us.
In other words, maybe grief and fear will be diluted if shared with others’ radiations, and shame, exposed, will shrivel into its core: the desire to be loved.
And maybe the heart’s compassion and love and joy and gratitude will be amplified … magnified if shared.
Try it: shut your eyes and reach to the very edge of your self and your heart’s energy field. You might just find that you are connected to some one else. To their self, their heart’s energy field. Isn’t that an empowering thought?
Is it true?
Humans are creative creatures. We can remember the past, and imagine the future. Today, let’s imagine the future we want. I’m going to. Right here, right now:
I am imagining that the year 2025 is the beginning of a new world, a new era of people rising up in love, not war. Rejecting lies and deception and the commodification of nature. Building on the best, not the worst, of human nature. And reconnecting with Nature.
Does that sound too woo woo? Don’t worry. That’s just the patriarchal, capitalistic, militarist system we live in trying to crush the feminine, the love and kindness that exists in us all. It won’t succeed. It can’t. Not if we all take a leap of faith and trust in our hearts’ radiance and love.
During this longest night, and Winter Solstice, I hope that we, as individuals and as a species, remember what our hearts, deep within us, know. That we are all connected. How we act radiates. And our hearts have the potential to create a beautiful world in this upcoming year.
Woo woo! As Ted Lasso says—believe. As the longest night makes way to brighter days.
With love and gratitude and hope as we evolve to our greatest potential.