
I began this post prior to the elections. When it seemed as if something wonderful is about to happen might come true. And it did. Just not for me. And in the coming months and years, that something wonderful that happened is likely going to become a living nightmare for too many who voted for it. 

I was an East European major in college and have always believed that the real Proletarian revolution would happen here. Get ready. Though the timing is up to our Menopausal Earth. Do. Not. Cross. Her.

I wonder if the dinosaurs tried to work together to save themselves? Obviously, they failed. 

Or did they? Because I look around me at the flying dinosaurs that still live: Pileated woodpeckers, Bluebirds, Blue Jays, Kestrels, and yes! I look to the chicken coop where our thirteen — a lucky number if you look into prehistoric past when the Feminine and intuition and nurturing was recognized and honored — hens peck and scratch. And the ten pullets.

Homes. Hens. Elections. Climate. How to maintain a level of hope as the end of life as we know it approaches? I believe in the human ability to evolve. And that to maintain balance in the world, we have to counter the hell on earth that’s going on elsewhere. And so I say out loud something wonderful is about to happen! Will you join me? Say it out loud three times. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

It doesn’t have to be anything big for it to be true. The sun rises. Wow! Isn’t that wonderful? Tubby didn’t bite me when I brushed him this morning. Wow! The hens are alive! The air is clear! This coffee is delicious!

Polly Anna? Maybe. But I have no doubt, even as I crawl out of ever darker moods, that there are more good than bad people. It’s just our society and the world have been set up to strengthen the negative aspects. And so the world is dying and there are genocides and wars and starvation and plagues. 

And maybe peace will reign because something wonderful is about to happen. Go ahead. Imagine what that might be. Say it out loud again. I’ll wait.

Because humans are evolving into something better and if we fail, nature is already showing us what her opinion of us is. But imagine it! What if we succeed? Compassion! Love! Caring! Hope! They all feel so much better than what’s been erupting and spewing, boomeranging back from the 1930s and 40s. 

Don’t say the negative words out loud. That’s your amygdala part of your brain doing what it does. The unconscious part of the brain working hard to keep you…us safe. But we have and ever are evolving. So I am working overtime to calm the lizard in me and uplift that that has been oppressed and scoffed at and denigrated. I am imagining the world I want. In my own small way. With the chickens and cats and Carl. Easy for me? It brings to mind Ted Lasso.

Go ahead. Say it out loud. I’ll wait.

What can one person do? Imagine the future. Work every day and hour to strengthen whatever is good and healing. I can’t stop the hell of the war. I can’t stop the rising temperatures. Politics will run their course. Change will come because that’s what life is. And maybe humans and democracy are both experiments that will fail. But if we give up on them one thing is certain and that is that they will. And so a choice. What will you choose?

I say something wonderful is going to happen.


The Winter Solstice & Heart-Mind Connection


New Chickens