Farm Visits

We visited a buffalo farm in Stoddard, NH a couple of weeks ago. FYI: Buffalo are Bison. Buffalo numbered in the millions, but by the end of the 19th century, they had been slaughtered nearly to extinction because they were the main food source of Indigenous tribes and what better way to get rid of an Indigenous population than to eradicate their food source?  

These buffalo are raised and bred for food. I find it hard that these enormous and beautiful creatures only exist as commodities for our species to use. Yes, yes, yes. I know. We are omnivores. And there are a lot of us. And this is the Anthropocene age. Human-created. And the fact is, these particular buffalo have good lives. Lives lived as they have evolved: outside in all weather by preference, not caged and standing in shit. But still. My heart bleeds.

We also visited friends in Rhode Island, and visited the farm they live near.

Wacky how in the middle of a very crowded neighborhood, there’s a farm with sheep and mini-donkeys and chickens. It caused me to wonder what if we had stayed in Providence…But that’s history. Providence is not the same as it was. We are not the same as we were. Time and change and the moon last night was full. Her glow was like memories.

A full moon rising above a dark horizon



Writer’s Block Doesn’t Exist