
Snowball had an eye infection and there are a lot of chickens in need of a bath out there…That sentence sent me off to Google to look up pasty butts. That led to Vent Gleet. And a long list of probiotics and Chicken Spa “necessities.” I am delaying Chicken Spa Day until the probiotics have a chance to work their magic.

The turkeys I see with my very own eyes, flirting and dancing and buffing up their wings.

But for all those others tweeting and fluttering? Here is a list of birds that I hear in the mornings when I go out to jump into the pool. I swam my first lap this past week; it’s still too cold for more. I recorded and ID'd these birds with the help of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Merlin Bird ID app.

  • American Crow

  • American Goldfinch

  • American Redstart

  • American Robin

  • American Woodcock

  • Black-capped Chickadee

  • Blue Jay

  • Bobolink — Carl pointed out that someone must have mowed their field, thereby destroying the Bobolink’s nest. They now come to our field looking for a new home. We’ll see if they have time to lay more eggs. This is why it’s best to wait to mow your field until August.

  • Canada Goose

  • Cedar Waxwing

  • Chipping Sparrow

  • Common Raven

  • Common Yellowthroat Warbler

  • Dark-eyed Junco

  • Eastern Bluebird

  • Eastern Phoebe

  • Eastern Towhee

  • Field Sparrow

  • Gray Catbird

  • Great Blue Heron

  • House Sparrow

  • Indigo Bunting

  • Mourning Dove

  • Northern Cardinal

  • Ovenbird

  • Red-eyed Vireo

  • Rose-breasted Grosbeak

  • Scarlet Tanager

  • Song Sparrow

  • Tufted Titmouse

  • Veery

  • Wood Thrush

  • Yellow-rumped Warbler (I can’t attest to the rump color)


Baby Kestrels

